CentOS 6.1下载

来自CentOS.Org消息,CentOS团队在2011年12月9日宣布提供CentOS 6.1在i386和x86_64,CentOS 6.1是基于上游版本EL 6.1,并包括所有变种的包。
CentOS 6.1是CentOS 6.0系列的第一次更新。有314个软件包更新,并新增了49个软件包。6.1更新也包括一般的错误修补程序和安全更新。
3.为Sandy Bridge处理器中的英特尔Generation 6 Graphics 添加新驱动程序;
5.改善 FCoE、数据中心和 iSCSI offload 的配置选项,提高网络存储质量
8.基于 FreeIPA 项目的身份识别技术预览服务
包括嵌入到英特尔Patsburg芯片组的SAS磁盘控制器。各种网络和存储外设卡也有新的或更新的驱动,重点在于改善10Gb以太网交换机使用的FCoE协议性能, 也改进了数据中心桥接和iSCSI卸载,让网络存储有更好的表现。
CentOS 6.1 更正错误:
CentOS 错误 #0004943:ntp 缺省为 [0-2].rhel.pool.ntp.org
CentOS 错误 #0004964:系统查看版块在加进面版一移后便发生错误
CentOS 错误 #0004969:DVD ISO 不能自动安装在 uEFI 系统上
CentOS 错误 #0004993:/etc/abrt/gpg_keys 依然指向 RHEL 金钥
CentOS 错误 #0004995:grub-0.97-68.el6 不能执行在 /usr/share/grub/x86_64-unknown 拥有映像档的脚本
CentOS 错误 #0005084:Tomcat6 init.d 脚本错误地设置日志档的拥有权,导致 TOMCAT_USER 非 tomcat 的情况下不能运作
CentOS 错误 #0005158:centos6 BASH_VERSINFO[5]/MACHTYPE

CentOS 6.1下载

CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. (CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.) CentOS is free.
CentOS is developed by a small but growing team of core developers. In turn the core developers are supported by an active user community including system administrators, network administrators, enterprise users, managers, core Linux contributors and Linux enthusiasts from around the world.
CentOS has numerous advantages over some of the other clone projects including: an active and growing user community, quickly rebuilt, tested, and QA’ed errata packages, an extensive mirror network, developers who are contactable and responsive, multiple free support avenues including IRC Chat, Mailing Lists, Forums, a dynamic FAQ.

CentOS 6发布:
December 9th 2011
The CentOS team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-6.1 for i386 and x86_64 Architectures.
CentOS-6.1 is based on the upstream release EL 6.1 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with.
There are some important changes to this release compared with the previous versions of CentOS and we highly recommend reading this announcement along with the Release Notes.
Since upstream has a 6.2 version already released, we will be using a Continuous Release repository for 6.1 to bring all 6.2 and post 6.2 security updates to all 6.1 users, till such time as CentOS-6.2 is released itself.
LiveCDs and LiveDVDs for i386 and x86_64 are also released. These bring in the ability to directly install from the live media.
There is also a minimal install CD that will get you a very small base install that you can add to.

Release Notes:http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.1
CentOS 6.1 Download | CentOS 6.1 下载
CentOS-6.1 Minimal:http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2011-December/018315.html


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